Passing method info with lambda expressions

These days we see a lot of Lambda expressions popping up in code. Lambda expressions are indeed a great way of defining and passing “method information” to other classes and methods. I define them as “method information”, because there are in fact a couple of .NET types that accept a lambda expression as their value. As […]

How to mess up Visual Studio intellisense: a recipe

The next blog post is just a fun post which shows how you can totally mess up the intellisense in Visual Studio. Result So what do we want to achieve in this recipe? Have you ever seen your intellisense displaying a list like this one? No, dear reader, you are not drunk: FirstName and LastName […]

Microsoft TechEd Europe 2010(#tee10): my report

After being at Microsoft TechEd Europe for the second time in Berlin, it’s time for a report and now I can also make a comparison with my previous TechEd. Location and organization As cities usually don’t change a lot in one year, I didn’t spend a lot of time in the Berlin city center this […]

Euricom, here I come!

The hardest thing about blogging is keeping your blog up to date! I must say I wasn’t a good blogger the last months. But, guess what, I have some good reasons! First of all I had a really nice vacation, travelling all around the USA for 4 weeks. I’ve visited some big cities (Seattle, Salt Lake […]

Visual studio Tip #5: “Surround with…” in ASP.NET 4.0

As an ASP.NET developer, you certainly found yourself in the following situation. You have a number of mark-up elements in your page which should be hidden/updated/… all at once. The solution is to put them in a panel or updatepanel. In previous versions of Visual Studio you had to manually type the tags to surround […]

Visual studio tip #4: Generate method stub in VB.NET 2010

I am not a big fan of VB.NET, but for some reasons I will not explain in this post, I have to code in it (lucky me 🙂 ). Microsoft is always claiming that C# and VB.NET are equally evolving, but some changes only appear in VB.NET one or more releases after they have been […]

No Business Intelligence Development Studio in Visual Studio 2010 (yet?)

As a developer I am pleased with the new Visual Studio 2010 release. Lots of features were added and the editor looks more tight and solid than its predecessors. BI people still have to wait to taste the Visual Studio 2010 candy. SQL Server 2008 only ships the Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) for Visual […]